True off-roading is actually quite hard to find in the Himalayas, if the road exists on the map then it seems to have some regular ongoing maintenance. Gravel, large rocks and ‘rivers’ on the road are common, but there is no deep mud or challenging driving.
The second is security men on the side of the road. It isn’t uncommon to see a collection of motorbikes seemingly abandoned on the side of the road. These conglomerates of motorbikes will have a security guard somewhere nearby.
I have yet to find a place without wi-fi in this country. Get yourself a sim card on arrival from either Mobifone or Viettel. If you know how to use a modern smartphone, you can navigate Vietnam easily. There is nothing your phone can’t do in Vietnam!
Road speeds are slow in Vietnam. Crashes are frequent, but at paces where you are likely to get back up again. Overall, driving in Vietnam is not as dangerous as people might think. There is some method to the madness here, despite it being hard to recognise when riding amongst the chaos.